The digital age carries with it the risk that records will either become swiftly illegible or completely vanish. (admittedly for 99% of the internet’s contents this is presumably not a great loss… )

Nevertheless, there is information that we are morally obliged to pass on.

MOM developed ceramic data carriers which conserves analogue text and images for unlimited intervals of time.

Deep within the world’s oldest and still active saltmine in Hallstatt/Austria the MOM archive is protected for at least 1 million years.

MOM is a global project and is built of stories which are collected and contributed by individuals across the planet.

MOM is a snapshot of our time and of course not a substitute for national archives but rather a supplement.

MOM tells our descendants about us and the era we lived in; everyone can contribute to this story.
It is free to contribute text and we to offer participation to every human on Earth, regardless of country of residence, religion, gender, and economic situation.

Concurrent to the stories submitted by individuals, MOM also consists of further contents which we are obliged to pass on for posterity: e.g. information about the locations of nuclear or toxic waste repositories.

MOM is not a backup of our knowledge. Societies in the future who are capabale of discovering MOM will be at least as knowledgeable as us. However, stories of how we gained knowledge and insight will certainly be of interest to the future. This is why PhD theses in particular are collected within MOM.

For example, publications on gravitational waves are not collected per se but rather the means and devices we employ to detect them are worth documenting.